He is risen! Alleluia!
Thank you, Mark!
This is once again the post-vigil picture and I had to work really, really hard to get it. I think it might be a teenager thing, and I think (possibly) that I don’t care. I think that I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t sweetly request demand these annual photos.
And if I didn’t demand them, we wouldn’t have them.
Also? George looks exactly the same as he did last year. Dazed. Confused. Incredulous. Did he really just sit through a 2 1/2 Mass? Yes, Virginia, he did.
We thanked by taking him to Perkins afterward.
Whereupon he drank a whole Coke and came back to life.
Happy Easter, everyone! Happy Easter! Happy Easter!
(Forgive me. It’s just that I’ve waited 40 days to say that.)
Happy Easter! May you have a wonderful day.
Happy Easter Maggie!!!
I've already started warning–I mean letting them know that I need pictures of all of them in their outfits before changing after mass!!
Happy Easter, dearest friend. Praying you have a peaceful, memorable day!
Happy, Happy Easter, Margaret!!
Happy Easter! Love the matchy-matchy-matchy girls 🙂
Happy Easter Margaret and family! Your family photos are always so darn cute. I'm glad that you demand it!! I cannot resist those cute girls in their matchy-ness 🙂
What a great-looking family! It's pretty funny to see the height differences between this photo and last years – certain kids clearly hit major growth spurts!
Happy Easter! Beautiful family! They do grow up so fast!
I had my Diet Coke also.