According to the Boy Scout Law, a scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. What you may not know, but what is also important, is that they can make a mean stack of pancakes.
And then they serve ‘em with a smile.
It was a family affair on Sunday morning, whereupon my husband and sons worked their troop’s pancake breakfast and my daughters—well, the two who were old enough to handle the trays—earned service hours as American Heritage Girls.
Poor Angela. She didn’t get to deliver cups of juice and hot coffee. She did, however, get to go around fielding questions about her uniform. “Are you a Campfire Girl?” one older lady wanted to know. “I used to be a Campfire Girl!”
Are there even still Campfire Girls?
The Pancake Breakfast is the Boy Scout’s biggest fundraiser of the year. “You wanna go to Philmont next summer?” my husband asked our sons. “Then get out there and sell those tickets!” And sell they did. There were many, many evenings—at least five, I think—where my boys were out canvassing the local neighborhoods. Between their winsome smiles (“You do smile?” I asked them anxiously) and their winning sales pitch, they raised close to a thousand dollars.
Although they did meet some characters along the way.
There was the woman who lectured my son about Boy Scouts not being inclusive to homosexuals, and there was the man who enthused, “Boy Scouts?! You bet!” and promptly donated $15.00. And then there was the lady who quietly listened as Jem began his spiel—“The Boy Scouts are hosting a pancake breakfast. For five dollars, you can get…”—then suddenly screamed “No!”
Jem was startled. Had he offended?
Turns out she was addressing the dog, who was friendly and trying to jump up on Jem.
Poor Jem.
Cate and Felicity were there from 9:00 to 1:00, carrying tray after tray after tray after tray.
They got really good at carrying trays.
This was Felicity’s very first set of beverages. “Go away, Mom!” I think she’s thinking. “Please let me focus on not spilling these drinks.” She later told me that those big cups of coffee were really heavy.
Trust me, Felicity. I know all about big cups of coffee.
Meanwhile, there was my three-foot rogue, who had little else to do than run around and raise mayhem.
I called him the sticky interloper and he earned his keep by being…cute.
There are far worse things, I think.
Have you ever been to a Boy Scout pancake breakfast? And have you signed up your girls for AHG? : )
I'm a former Camp Fire Girl! We rock! Looks like a great breakfast!
I am a "Brownie" droupout and my husband is a "Cub Scout" dropout. We're a match made in hevaen, dontcha think? 🙂
Our kids have no interest in the scouts, I think because they play so many sports. And none of their friends are scouts. But I wish I could get my hands on some cookies!!!
We just joined AHG! My daughter went to a "trial" meeting last week, and we are now all joined up and she has her first official meeting next week – followed immediately by a campout a couple days after that! They are breaking us in early, lol.
We used to be in Girl Scouts about 2 years ago, but then we learned of the Planned Parenthood connection and we had to quit as soon as we learned about it basically, smack in the middle of a year. It was hard for my daughter, and I know she has missed scouting and the friendships. We are very excited to start AHG! It is definitely more what we were looking for in scouting anyway, just didn't know it was out there and available!
Although, I do wish they would take a clue from the girl scouts and not have everything be so expensive! In Girl Scouts, so much of the uniform was optional, and they had financial aid available. Not so with AHG, and in our young family, finances are always tighter than one would like. It was a sacrifice to sign her up, but I know she will enjoy it!
I've got one little Lion Cub Scout and one son who recently earned his Arrow of Light and graduated to the Boy Scout troop! The nearest AHG club to me appears to be in Minnetonka, and my teens would probably love to join, but unfortunately they meet on the same night as my son's Boy Scout troop! If only I could be in multiple places at once… *sigh*
I have 2 Eagle scouts. We never did pancakes but sold alot of popcorn. Would have rather made pancakes!
OHMYGOSH!!! This old gal would have enjoyed being served her coffee by those adorable AHG's whilst digging into yummy pancakes cooked by your crew and then being entertained by yer youngest….le sigh
Hi!! Breaking my "Lenten internet fast" cuz you've been on my mind constantly today. 🙂
Yes, we did pancake breakfasts. We worked many hours, for many years. Great memories.
Ryan, my Eagle scout, went to Philmont too – your guys will LOVE it. He did a special program where he worked one week on new trails, and then had the second week to hike mile after mile. He met and worked with guys from all over the country. So worth the effort to get there.
No AHG anywhere near us…
Take care my friend. Still praying for you up here!!