With my boy, George.
(Not to be confused with this Boy George.)
(My version is shorter and has much less hair.)
So with his two big brothers away at school and the three gabbling geese spending the day at Cahill, George had the momma right where he wanted.
That is to say, all to himself.
I told him that we would go to the playground and he seemed very happy with the idea.
So happy he was giddy, if you know what I mean.
I get like that myself a lot.
It was different–really different–playing one-on-one with my little man. I felt like a brand new mom all over again!
Except with more gray hair and a squishier tummy.
There is one thing I have less of, though, and that is New Mom Insecurity. Are you familiar? Oh my goodness, I had it in abundance when my oldest was two and I was so bad it was funny! (Except, I’m sure, if you were him.) I worried about letting him play in the grass, I worried about germs at the YMCA daycare, and I worried about not washing his jammies daily. (Yes, really.) I worried about that poor kid all the time, and yet now I know that these fears were unfounded.
I mean, yes I have doubts about the job I am doing and the paths that my kids might one day take…but knowing what I now do about parenting a teen—about fielding their awkward, hormonal moments and dealing with phone bills & Facebook & texting….
Well, I’ll tell you.
This little man and his little needs are just what this mother-of-teens-and-tweens needs.
If it had been Sunday it would have been Sunday in the park with George!b 🙂
This is perfect for me. I was just thinking last night…."What is God thinking?" giving me a baby, when I'm old and have bigger kiddos and well, I'm not exactly in the greatest of shapes now and have absolutely NO energy to do ANYTHING and feel like I'm so not what my little 2 year old needs now. She needs long walks to the park, and a mom who can chase here and…and….and….
It's my self doubt.
It's the devil attacking me
It's only temporary til this baby comes out, then,
Watch out next year!!!
Great post, and great reminder!
Is he wearing a toupee? Or was this pre-headshave? 😉
Your George probably has more hair than the OTHER Boy George. Last I saw him in a headline, he was bald. Cute pics.:)
aww so cute.
This is so me. I have two teenagers and two younger ones. I spend so much less time worrying about my younger two than I did about my older two. My older son was five and going off to kindergarten when my third child was born. With my older kids at school, I thought it was wonderful. It was like being a first time mom without all the insecurities.
I recommend it!
Looks like your little man had a blast at the park!