Update: My husband read this post and squawked a protest. “I have too been to this conference! A couple of times!”
You know what? The guy is right. I remember going for beer & pizza after the Friday night key note one year.
“Oh.” Head bowed in shame, I realized that my writer’s flair for the dramatic had once again trumped the actual truth.
“I just don’t stay as long as you,” John continued, “Nor do I talk as much.”
(Now that’s a fact I remember.)
Attention all ye local homeschoolers! The Minnesota Catholic Home Education Conference is fast approaching!
Are ya goin’? Are ya are ya are ya huh?
(This is my eager blogger voice.)
You must go, even if you hadn’t planned on it, because for the first time EVER Minnesota Dad will be attending!
(Minnesota Dad also goes by John.)
(And okay, he never goes by Minnesota Dad.)
Not only will The Cutest Patent Lawyer this Side of the Mississippi be attending, he will be LIVE and ON STAGE and hosting the conference with me.
(Minnesota Me)
(Your Local Bigmouth)
You also will not want to miss:
- The Bloggers’ Chat with the lovely Ana Braga-Henebry
- The Friday Night Key Note Address by the brilliant and entertaining Andrew Pudewa
- The Saturday Mass at 7:15 (always a favorite)
- Another Keynote Address by the still brilliant Andrew Pudewa
- The Why and How of Dads Telling Stories by the inimitable Jim Weiss (Okay, I’m swooning now)
- What is Classical Education by Martin Cothran of Memoria Press (still swooning)
- Beginning Homeschooling by my friend and colleague Cathie Baier (I call her Encyclopedia Cathie. Seriously, the woman knows that much.)
And more. MUCH more.
Best of all, you’ll get to meet and spend time with other homeschooling parents, and in this digital age of blogging & Facebook & Twitter & whatnot, these IRL connections are…invaluable.
(Plus you’ll get to see how very short I am.)
Here are the particulars:
The conference starts this Friday. Here is the link with registration info.
Here is the complete list of speakers.
Here is PDF of the schedule.
And here are the related posts that I’ve written, including (but not limited to) a photo of yours truly with Danielle Bean’s son giving me the stiff arm:
- Can there ever be too many babies? (2007) This is the one with the photo of Danielle & me.
- All in the Name of Good Reporting (2007) This one’s got a photo of me & Jim Weiss. I am nothing if not a shameless opportunist!
- Minnesota Catholic Home Education Conference (2008 Edition) This one’s got another photo of me & Jim Weiss, and also Father Mitch Pacwa calling security on me.
- Catholic Home Educator’s Unite (2010) Maureen Whitman, Dr. Ray Guarendi and more! Much more!
Phew! After all that, you need to buy me a drink!
See you there?
Homeschooling people near to the great state of Minnesota, you have to go! This woman is so short! I mean, freakishly short! Like munchkin short! It will be amazing if you can even see her from the stage.
(Teeheehee! Doing my part to fill those seats! I wish I could be one of them. : )
Well, you know I'll be there. First-time conference goer! Very much looking forward to it. See you Friday 🙂
Charlotte, you are SO lucky you're in Texas.
You know what's really funny, though? I see from the photos that I wore the same white cardigan FOUR YEARS IN A ROW!
Funny…but also really, really sad.
I can't go this year. Boo-hoo!!!
Gosh I wish I lived closer. We are out in Maryland so it is a bit of a haul for the six of us. I do hope that it all goes well. 🙂
Hope to run into you again this year! Looking forward to it! ~Maria
You KNOW I'll be there… and I can't wait to see you again! What color sweater will you be wearing this year?!
I wanna go, I wanna go, I wanna go!
(That's my eager reader voice.)
Too bad I'm 6000 miles away!
Is there any way to attend virtually? At least you can fell us in on all the juicy details! :o)
That would be "fill" us in. Sorry!
I'll be there with my husband.:) I think my favorite part will be having lunch…alone…with him on Saturday! Can't wait.
The conference sounds great! But it's too far for me too far away.
Y'all have one of the best lineup of speakers every single year. One of these years I'm going to have to make a point to go. My extended family needs to stop having weddings for that to happen though. 🙂
Looking forward to attending on Saturday!!