It seems fitting that, after seeing Charlotte link to a virtual cookie exchange hosted by Catholic Cuisine, I share the recipe that she inspired.
(Thank you, Charlotte!)
I have seen these yummy treats pop up all over the Internet; in fact, the first recipe in this exchange is a variation. (Very cute candy cane dots, Jessica!) Have you ever made them? They’re super easy and super good, and I like that you can celebrate virtually (ha!) any holiday or sporting event simply by changing the colors of the candy pieces.
I call this particular blue & white batch “Snowflake Buttons.” They were made with York peppermint-flavored dark chocolate candies, which, if you must know, are so good that they’re scary.
I made a second batch with colored sprinkles…
…just to hear my girls squeal when they saw them.
(I have three girls. They’re very squealy.)
Anyway, here’s the recipe!
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.
Line your cookie sheet with pretzel snaps (twists & wagon wheels work well, too) and place one Hershey’s kiss on each pretzel.
Pop into the oven and set your timer for 5 minutes. Do not get distracted and start multitasking! I mean it, now. Stay close to the oven and once they’re done, gently place your colored candy on top of the chocolate.
Inevitably you’ll get some chocolate on your fingers. You don’t want to gunk up the candy bits, so keep a dishtowel close at hand to wipe your fingers in between pretzels.
Give each piece a little push so that the chocolate melts into the pretzel. Otherwise you may find that, while your Snowflake Buttons look perfect, the Hershey’s kisses fall clean off in transit.
(Ask me how I know this.)
I have wanted to give these a try for awhile now … I love your snowflake variation! I agree, those York peppermint candies are dangerously good!
Wishing you a very blessed Christmas, Margaret, with your family! Let's be in touch soon.
I made these for the Spotlight play… I LOVE the blue and white, though… It is the Penn State buttons 🙂
Try this idea—
mini pretzels with a rolo candy placed on top of each pretzel. Put them in the oven on 170 degrees (just until the rolos are softened). Take them out of the oven and smush a pecan down on top of the rolo. HEAVEN! Tastes like a turtle candy.
They are so yummy it's crazy. THe hardest part is unwrapping all the kisses! I haven't seen the peppermint dark chocolate—I better not tell my daughter about those.
I did the turtle variety anonymous mentioned. The best part was that my 2 and 4 year old little girls practically made them themselves. They felt like they got to do more than the token stir. Lining up the pretzels, unwrapping the rolos, putting one on each pretzel, then placing the pecans when finished, kept them busy for quite some time. They feel like those are their cookies, and I got some time to make other cookies with the older girls. This recipe is going on our holiday baking list for sure.
A neighbour friend brought over a delightful tray of goodies and these very things were on it . . . but not for long!
Mele Kalikimaka, Margaret!
I made them with hersey hugs and Christmas M&Ms. Very festive!
I have never seen these before! They look fantastic and seem easy, although, your instructions make me think I could mess them up. 😉 Guess I will have to make a batch or two.
Aren't these great little treats? You can do anything with them! I love the snowflake theme.
In case I forgot to tell you, Merry Christmas, friend!
Oh! Those are so cute!! Love the theme!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Margaret!