Vol. XXIII: The “This and That” Edition
(Alright, alright, I don’t have a real theme.)
The other day I heard George yelping and so I raced from the kitchen to find & assist him.
This was his predicament:
Between a rock and a hard place the chair and the underside of my computer desk.
On his way to wreak no end of havoc.
(I thought about leaving him there ‘til lunch.)
(But I didn’t.)
(Because I am just that nice.)
The reason George has taken to playing with the television is that it’s preferable to watching what’s on the screen.
Though with last week’s win, all was (more or less but not really) forgiven.
Moving on.
Speaking of George, (and in this post, when aren’t I?), he is going through a delightful phase whereupon he announces the end of his meal as follows:
1. Pick up bowl and/or plate and/or cup.
2. Pitch it.
You know that Corelle shatters, right? I mean, the stuff is made to handle lots of wear, but when it’s pitched at high velocity? Boom. Corelle Armageddon.
And then he gives me a look like,
You’re wondering, why is this lady giving her toddler Corelle?
I have no good answer for this, other than to tell you that yesterday, during my check-out at Wal-Mart, I was asked by the clerk if I wanted to actually pay for those boxes of Kleenex that I was taking from the conveyor belt and loading directly back into my cart.
Two words: Auto-pilot. (Or is that one?)
This is my brain on kids.
Okay, enough about George. No Quick Takes post would be complete without at least one Angela-ism, so here it is. With our current (Minnesota) temps at a whopping 20 degrees or so, I have needed to avail myself (often) of this handy tool:
No Minnesotan worth her weight in salt would be without an ice scraper.
Still, like so many things in my 44-year-old life, I tend to take its ergonomic utility for granted. It’s just something that’s always there in the van, alongside the broken crayons and fossilized French fries.
Angela, however, had been pondering its place in her six-year-old world, and the first time this season she saw me using it, she exclaimed, in a voice filled with wonder and relief,
“So that’s what that’s for!”
It’s cold but it’s pretty.
Boy, is your little guy busy! Reminds me of some other toddlers I know. We recently had a BIG Desitin incident here. I was not a happy mama that day. Thankfully, I can't stay mad long; they are just so cute =)
It is cold, isn't it?! But the sunset through the bare trees sure was pretty this morning. God gives us these pretty little gifts, even in the midst of the freezing-ness of it all! He is so good to us!
Have a great weekend, Margaret!
God bless.
Oh it looks so beautiful!! I always wish for beautiful snow down here in Texas, and people who have moved here from further north try to insist that we are crazy and would not want the snow had we actually ever experienced it. Still, oh it would make me so happy. A few years ago it snowed in Houston on Christmas Eve and we woke up to (for us) a White Christmas. It was certainly a gift from God! Cause this is Houston!!!
Your little one reminds me so much of my son, who is similar in age. He has been quite mischievous lately, and also throws his plates/bowls upon meal completion. But I give him plastic, haha.
Oh, gosh thanks for the laugh this morning and since we have many of the same aged children, I'm right there with you and that's nice to know (for me)!
My mom had corelle when we were kids and I remember cleaning up shattered plates from my little sister, so I don't buy it for that reason, shatter is an understatement.
I do give my toddler our glass plates though sometimes and we have a tile floor, not good. I need to watch that and will think of you now every time I do!!
Loved this post! Especially the picture of George caught underneath the computer desk…totally cute. 🙂
Oh my gosh! I meant to write sunRISE!
Note to self: Do not comment on a blog until AFTER you've had your morning (decaf!) coffee 😉
I love all the George-ness. Especially that first photo! He and Ben are like two peas in a pod. Ben also tosses his dishes. Though so far it's only been plastic bowls and plates. Still he often does it when they are full. And at the beginning of a meal. Fun!
Oh my goodness, how you make me laugh! 🙂
That picture of George post-Armageddon is AWESOME.