Update: Thank you for the feedback, everyone! I will be returning to this subject after my break.
My apologies to anyone who does not have an unhealthy relationship with food. I do, and because I am looking to amend this bad habit…
I’m going to write about it.
Not the typical light fare with which this blog has been concerned, I know! It is easier for me to be lighthearted; easier to crack jokes about the mayhem of our days and ways than to face the behavior that really needs changing.
(I like cracking jokes, for what it’s worth.)
(And I think that we all need to be lighthearted.)
Still, were I to be 100% completely honest with you, and I know that you expect as much, I would need to tell you that I’ve really been struggling throughout the past month. I have fears—deep-seated fears—and insecurities and weaknesses that, more often than not, get buried beneath a steady stream of eating.
You wouldn’t know it to look at me because I’m not, at present, obese or anything.
I have been, though…well, if not obese, then really heavy.
And so I’d like to write about it—about some of my history with this beast that is overeating, and about what I’m doing—what we (my husband, my family, Our Lord and me) are doing.
Does this interest you? Or should I keep the tone of this blog lighthearted?
Margaret! I think one of our favorite things about reading here is how REAL you are, while still being funny. Nothing more real than the beast, it lives here too. Kind of a fact of life that needs balance like everything else. Good food is awesome and too easy to love (too much)when things are tough. Please share if you want to. (((Hugs)))
PS: I think you look gorgeous and feminine, but I know that doesn't mean you aren't struggling.
It is one of my struggles too, so I'm definitely interested in what you have to say.
I'm betting that you can sneak a bit of humor into a serious topic. But eating/weight issues here, too. So I, too, would be interested in your thoughts.
Oh, yes. I know that Beast. I'd love to know what other people do with it.
Also, I think you look lovely in your "fat" picture.
Please, write!
Go for it ~ I could use your wisdom.
I think we've all come to expect nothing but your honesty here Margaret. And we appreciate it. For you to be open enough to share every part of you, perfect or not touches each of us in some way. Go for it girl! We'd love to hear what you've got to say. 🙂
Margaret, open up and talk about!! If this will help you and God willing help another person, write 🙂 we all have those beasts that need taming….
Theresa in ALberta
P.S. You look very lovely in that photo….
I'm trying to tame that beast, too. Please write—I know you'll slip some lightheartedness in there somewhere!
Sweet Miss Maggie, it's YOUR blog. If you can't write what moves you, what's the point? Besides, we who read you regularly, we love you and we want to know you, even when you are struggling. How else will we know when you need some extra prayers? 🙂
I love you, Maggie! Flaws and all.
Margaret, You always seem to have perfect timing. Like the others, I would love to hear your insight on this very difficult issue.
Go for it! You have my prayers, too.
Yes, I would love some encouragement, as I live with the same beast. Good luck!
I love your writing… but most especially I love you. You just write what needs to be said, and we will listen, and learn much.
Have you heard of the Light Weigh? It is from Suzanne Fowler, totally Catholic, and the only thing that has helped me tame that beast. I am not surprised that the answer was found in the Church. 🙂 It has changed my life.
By the way, you do look lovely in that picture.
I think that it would help so many of us if you wrote about it. Not to mention how helpful to you it must be to write your feelings down. I grew up in family that had issues with this and I would love to listen to you. Like other people have said, one of the main reasons why I read this blog is because of the realness of your writing. God Bless you.
Thanks you for your honesty, and I would love to read more about it! This is a struggle for me as well, and I thnk many of us can relate…I have been thinking about writing about this myself…maybe you'd allow link-ups if we do?
Oh no! Please don't tell me you changed your feed settings. I always try to stick with a blog on partial feed, never end up clicking through to the actual blog and eventual just unsubscribe. Please put your feed back to "full"!!!
You probably wouldn't know it from looking at me (all of me) or you're just too kind or I just "wear it well" as some say (and is that just a backhanded compliment or what? when is being 30 pounds overweight not a struggle just 'cos you "wear it well"????). I'm going to be 41 in a few months, but for the past four years I've struggled with stuffing my gob and I have a problem . . . I've been consistenly bobbing 30-35 pounds over what is healthy and feels good for me. So, write away – and refresh us with your precious humour along the way!
OH YES…do talk.
What are we all needing to feed. There is that hole…sometimes food fills it.
Write away. I bet, and see from the comments here, that many can benefit from your words.
God bless and may the Holy Spirit guide your heart & fingers as they type.
I would be in for it. And I agree w/ Lynn: You are Gorgeous and Feminine! I love the way you look!
But anyway, write on! 🙂
I also love how REAL your blog is. Sometimes lighthearted and sometimes deep. If you'd like to blog it, I'd LOVE to read it. I'm battling the Beast myself and reading other people's ups and downs is inspirational.
Dear Margaret,
Repeating everything that's been said already.
I struggle desperately with that beast….
If you want to write it, know that so very many will be able to relate to everything you say….. and some of us will probably benefit from your 'fresh' perspective.
Btw, I think the picture of 'heavy' you is stunningly beautiful.
i would love to read more about this topic margaret. i think as americans living in the land o'plenty. food. fast. easy. junk food is at our busy-overscheduled fingertips. and i think us moms. especially with lots of kids struggle with overeating. under-nourishing. for various reasons. i know i do. and while i am not "obese" or plus-sized. i struggle with food all. the. time. because i love to eat. because i love to cook. because it is a spiritual battle. there are a myriad of reasons. and if you are able to shed some light on the subject. then by all means. please do!
blessings to you!
I vacillate between emotional spending and emotional eating. Last week I was deeply into emotional eating because I did not have time for emotional spending. Somehow I think that because I can identify it, that makes it okay. I'm not so sure I'm right about this.
You know I struggle with losing weight, but I really don't want to hear about it from others. From my experience, these become pity parties. Blogsites are a way for me to relax or learn something interesting, not hear more of what I'm already hearing in my head.
There are already so many books and blogs out there about weight loss. Why change the uniqueness of your blog?
I am fighting that same beast and have been for years.
We all have our issues (some of us more than others, obviously) and I for one would love to read about how you are dealing with with yours. I always learn from you, Mags, even in your struggles and failures. (Maybe even especially then.)
Yes, do talk.
Yes, please. I am in the same boat. Very timely for me.
Thank you for being willing to talk about it.
Please share if you want to and think it will be helpful to you. I have been wrestling with it for years, myself, and am trying assiduously (if not terribly successfully) to address it.
Lighthearted posts are wonderful, and I am always happy to see them, but I say write whatever you want to write!
Hugs from Michigan…
Margaret…that Beast and me…well, we have a history too.
I definitely would like to hear how you are "taming" it!
Aw, come on…you look beautiful! Would you like a Madeleine cookie with that cup of coffee?
I don't need help with food issues. No, ma'am. I have no issues at all!
Kidding aside (sort of) if you can do a little good for one person (including yourself) then go ahead and let us have it! 😉
Anyway, you know you could write the phone book and people would read it.
Thanks for posting! I really like your blog!!
common cents
I just tamed the cig beast after 20years of on and off smoking – most of it secret (hiding in garage from kids). So pathetic. It just got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore, and I read this book called the "Easy Way to Quit Smoking" (because if it's not easy, well, why do it?). but that with confession really helped tame the beast. I still think it was grace. Good luck. For any type of addiction – remember you are not giving anything thing up, you are gaining a life.
I would love to read about it! Please do write about it. Nikki
I think we all have the food beast that lives inside of us. I fight mine all the time. I love your honesty and I say write on!
You know it will only make us love you even more! It's one of my worst enemies as well. So write on, sister, write on…