Today is the first day of International Pickle week?!!
I tell you, I had no idea until the email popped into my inbox. Well. You didn’t need to tell me twice. I am pumped and ready to celebrate.
We are BIG pickle lovers in this house. Seriously. Huge! Even Baby Anthony goes to town like nobody’s business when you pop him in his highchair and hand him a Vlasic Dill.
So yes. I plan to make this recipe tomorrow evening because it’s quirky and fun and hey, did you know that it’s International Pickle Week?
(It’s also Friday.)
(Can you tell?)
Happy weekend, everyone! Leave a comment telling me your favorite pickle recipe–because I’m like, certain these recipes exist–and one lucky winner will receive two (2!) bags of Giants pickle-flavored sunflower seeds.
I kid you not. They’re my kids’ favorite.
Oh, man. I LOVE pickles. But sadly I am the ONLY one in my family who does. They even have the audacity to order their cheeseburgers sans pickles. Can you believe it???? I am all alone in my love for that crunchy, salty, pickly goodness that is a Kosher dill.
So, as far as recipes the best I can do for you is a wonderful grilled cheese (sharp cheddar) sandwich with garlic dill slices and mustard. YUM!
Happy pickle week!
Thank you, Theresa. That sounds FABULOUS. So fabulous, indeed, that you would think that I'm expecting.
Which I'm not.
I don't think.
But I do love me a good dill pickle.
I LOVE pickles, thanks for letting me know about this great week. š
I swear I'm not pregnant but here's my recipe… Pickle Splits. It's easy to make, it's just like a banana split only instead of the banana use a giant pickle cut in half. I use vanilla ice cream then whatever fixings you might like. This is actually my sister's recipe but it's still good. Just give it a try! How often are you going to find a recipe for dessert pickles?
Let me know if you're brave enough to give it a try. š
You know I love you, honey, and not just because you love pickles. Be my BFF?
My favorite pickle dish is Rouladen, but a close second is the Bavarian Pot Roast I wrote about here. Maybe we'll try some fried pickles this weekend. Have you had them? Yum!
I love them in potato salad. I use pickle juice even place of vinegar asked for in the recipe. It is so YUMMY!
This is an all-time favorite recipe.
My kids LOVE it.
Pickle Pork Chops
Lay out pork chops in a dish. Cover with pickle juice, and top each chop with an onion and a dollop of ketchup. Bake at 350 for about 45-60 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes and a salad. Yum!
Ditto on pickles and pickle juice in the potato salad. My friend Wendy covers a half or quarter of a pickle with her meatloaf recipe and bakes them; making mini meatloaf-pickle thingies. They are really good! Sometimes I will wrap a pickle with a coldcut and call it lunch. I will be checking back for more pickle recipes– yes I am pregnant- but I have always loved pickles! Oh, yes- dill only, please- we weren't even talking about sweet pickles, were we?
Cannot believe that people do so much cooking with pickles! I love the good ol' deli ham, spread with cream cheese and throw a thing spear on there and wrap it up.
I've been eating these like mad the last few weeks—must have known the celebration was coming up.
Also, I adore deep fried pickles.
Gretchen, my husband LOVES those rolled-up pickle/deli meat/cream cheese thingies. It's his favorite appetizer.
(The kids love 'em too, come to think of it. Daddy has to beat them off.)
Thank you, everyone, for these suggestions! Jessica, I do not know at all if I am brave enough to try your pickle split and Barbara, this French girl is LOVING the idea of Rouladen. It's on the menu!
Oh dear… don't tell my daughter that it's Pickle Week! Like she needs another reason to scarf them down! Hands down, her favorite snack by far. She asks for them after breakfast!
We all like pickles, but she is the champion pickle eater here at Chez Ouiz!
Never tried cooking with them, though…
Thought of another one I like. Grilled pickles. You have to use a whole pickle, cut it in half then place on the grill. Soooo good!
Hopefully this will go over better then the pickle split one. š
Crackers, cheddar cheese, and pickle slices is the standard lunch at my grandmother's house, along with her homemade applesauce. My kids love this lunch, though they call the little cracker sandwiches "crabby patties"!
Since I already won sunflower seeds last time, I'll pass (even though those sound really yummy!). PLUS, I can't put everyone else through the dizzying disappointment again, nor you the postage crisis again. š
I also, and this is the key, DO NOT have any pickle recipes.
Congrats to the winner this time!!
HA! This is great! Thanks for letting us know.
My dh always gives our babies a pickle for their first food (about 4-5 months)…..I wonder if that's why none of them really ate anything else until 10-12 months?
I was going to say the same as another commenter- the ham/cream cheese pickle wraps.
I also make a cheeseburger casserole that has noodles, ground beef, tomatoes, cheese, etc…and litle chunks of pickles! š
I don't cook with pickles, but kosher garlic pickles (not the spears, the big chunks, and they MUST be crunchy) are great "on the side" with a juicy hamburger topped with Pepper Jack cheese. Add some kettle-cooked potato chips (Grandma Utz, anyone?) and I'm all set.
I love pickles too. I have a wonderful, extremely simple recipe for pickles if you are interested (e-mail me). My dad makes a batch almost every week.
i must say that i am amazed that there are actually pickle recipes.
i usually avoid them because of my high bp and they are so salty! but my hubby and kids sure love 'em. i've always wanted to try canning some.
happy feast day to you and yours margaret.
and maybe you could write a book when you accumulate all those recipes! i am sure it would be a bestseller!
Oh my I needed that bit of humor. I am bit overwhelmed here at the moment. End of the school year stress. But the sad part is, I can't eat pickles. I'm allergic to cucumbers!!!!! Can you believe it??? I still LOVE pickles!! But now they make me sick. BOO HOOO. Time for another meltdown. Sorry, I am very hormonal today, and am rambling on. NO I'm not pregnant. Just very perimenopausal at the moment.
That recipe sounds awful—let us know how it goes! š I like a good, plain dill pickle, but I must not be anywhere near pregnant because none of these ideas appeal to me!
I seen people have mentioned pickle/ham or corn beef roll-ups. I love those things, but I hate making them, so my favorite recipe is this pickle dip:
16 oz sour cream
16 oz cream cheese
2 packages corned beef or ham
32 oz jar of pickles
Dice everything, mix it together, and serve it with crackers. I like more meat and pickles than the recipe calls for.