I’ve got, like, five minutes to do this blog post in between baking a cherry pie & sautéing the caramelized onions with thyme & stirring the sauce for the maple-glazed carrots with whiskey. “Why can’t you ever just make one thing?” my husband wondered.
Because it’s family.
We will be spending the day four hours north of here—in the largest city in North Dakota—at my sister Mary’s house. Four hours there, four hours back—all in one day and it’s worth it, as you know, because it’s family.
Before I go, though, I would like to thank you for your prayers. You have no idea how much we have benefited from them—and in such a short time, too—but I am not content to leave it at that. I hope to pay your kindness forward and I am starting…with my husband.
(Last night, for example, I bought him a little something…in the women’s pajama department at Kohls.☺)
Happy Thanksgiving!
So is it tough to find his size there?
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a great day. (Must be fun to cook treats on that nice new stove!!!)
I'm home with our youngest daughter with a high fever, sore throat, terrible cough. Much as I would love to still go to my parents' house and quarantine here in the guest room … she and I are going to miss Thanksgiving dinner. Thankfully my husband can take the others and we only live 20 minutes away so there'll be leftovers. We're going to cuddle on the couch, eat chicken soup and watch movies all day.
*blushing* and *chuckling*
Sounds like progress to me!! Glad to hear it. Keeping those prayers coming your way!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I like bearing's question. Such cheek!
When you can't keep it together, fall into each others arms.
Happy and blessed thanksgiving!
Oooh, fun! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving Margaret!
Have you watched the movie Fireproof? It is so helpfull that catholic book stores are selling it and priests are recommending it. very insightfull.
You are just the cutest thing ever! Go for it girlfriend. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for the rosary book, I really enjoyed it.
I'm a creature of habit…even knowing you are taking a break. I am SO glad to hear you are focusing on your husband. Too often we get wrapped up in life and kids and our beloveds suffer. Now that I've gotten MINE back from harvest I'm doing the same thing.
I hope you had a Fabulous day with family. Prayers you find the peace you are looking for as we approach the 1st Sunday in Advent.
Giggling, and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving (late)!
Hi Margaret!
Hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving! Did you "forget" you have a baby in the house?? LOL That can throw a loop into lots of things including our marriages. It's just another season. But… I'm happy to see you went shopping! That helps! There were times in my busy "seasons" where the same thing happened. And remember that "This too shall pass!" God Love you All!!
Ooooh laa laa!
You've been on my mind constantly this week!
Glad things are getting better!
I got something in the mail….you're the greatest!
(the day it actually came, it was raining and we forgot to get the mail…dumb…then the next day was raining and we didn't get it until the evening…!)
I second the, remember you have a baby in the house! It is important though that we try to carve out time for each other. It is just such a challenge sometimes with little ones. My prayers are with you.