Angela has struck the records and wishes to amend her previous statement. She now concedes that Anthony is “almost as cute as Jesus.”
We are busy busy busy today as we prepare to fête our back-to-back birthday girls. Cate turns 9 tomorrow and Felicity turns 7 on Sunday—oh, the excitement!
(Oh, the planning! Oh, the errands! Oh, the good-natured grumbling that Daddy won’t even be here!)
(It’s their fault, he claims, for having been born during the deer hunting season.)
(It’s okay, they claim, as long as he brings them back a present.)
(Deer don’t count.)
Happy Friday, Everyone!
Margaret…How can Anthony possibly be that big already????
What the heck happened? Why can't they be born with pause buttons to stop their growth for just a short time each month…to keep them little for longer?
Your children are so beautiful.
Have a wonderful birthday weekend!
I agree with Angela. That boy is a-dor-a-ble. Totally. I love her little art studio there. What are those God's library signs in the background?
Good luck with the bday plans. I can't believe it is that time already. Didn't you just celebrate their birthdays?
Love you.
Happy Birthday to your girls and 'good hunting' to Minnesota Dad! I agree with Angela (and anyone with eyes), your Anthony is pretty adorable.
My DH leaves tomorrow to hunt with his dad and grandpa for the week. I'll miss the trip this year, but have already given instructions to bring back (along with venison, hopefully) homemade apple butter!
I offer Isaiah 53:2 in Angela's defense.
No, wait. I'm backwards. At any rate, I mean to say Anthony has a good shot at the title.
Sounds like lots of cake over there. How is the "Singing the Books of the Bible" going? Just wondering. Hope you have a fabulous weekend. Hope the rest of it is as nice as today!!!!
Hi 🙂
I was wondering, have you ever heard of the Seven Sorrows Rosary? I wrote a post about it on my blog. When you get a chance, I'd LOVE for you to come see!
May God Bless you and your lovely family!
"almost as cute" LOL, hat cracked me up!!! I have two birthdays coming up too! On on Thanksgiving and then 6 days later… my two boys. I think I can only have boys in November/December…