…and other thoughts.
Happy 5th Sunday of Lent, everyone! How is it going?
I will tell you that I had an…interesting week, in that I tried to go without my beloved morning cup of half-caff. My motives were two-part—one, I would sacrifice the taste of the coffee, which I love, and two, I would cut way back on my caffeine consumption and as such, be a more healthful momma.
It was a failed attempt.
I may have been a more healthful momma but I was also more churlish, crabby, cranky, glum, gloomy, grumpy and harsh. (I could go on, you know. There are no end of synonyms that could describe this mood of mine.) I was just not myself, and it finally occurred to me that such peevishness (there’s another one) on my part should not be the goal of Lent.
By yesterday morning I could stand it no more. Like Lazarus from the grave, I felt called from my deathlike existence—“Rise, Margaret,” I seemed to hear Our Lord calling, “Rise up and drive to Caribou.”
I did and the transformation was nothing short of miraculous.
And you, my friend? Did you have any Holy Spirit moments like I mentioned in Friday’s post? I’d love to hear about them if you did…but I’ll also understand if you’re shy about such things. In that case, I have a different sort of request. Here it is:
Do you have any really good corn recipes?
I have been craving this sweet yellow vegetable like nobody’s business. I sauté it in a pan with a little salt and butter; I toss it in a salad with some diced tomatoes, jicama, and olive oil; and sometimes I spoon it straight out of the can. (Shameful, that.)
Needless to say, I could use a little variety. I’m cooking a beef roast tonight and am thinking of making this lovely little scalloped corn side dish that my father used to prepare—a can of niblets, a can of creamed corn, and crushed saltines on top. Mmmm, I say, but it’s not enough.
There are still six more days of the week to fill.
All for the greater glory of God,
I thought of your “Holy Spirit” post the other day when I was running late but the Lord simply made ALL the lights stay green for me along the way. I arrived to my destination on time. 🙂
We have a corn favorite around here that I call Sweet Corn Casserole:
1/2 cup butter, softened
2/3 cup corn meal
1/4 cup water
1 14oz can cream style corn
1/3 cup white sugar
3 tablespoons half and half
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
In a medium bowl beat butter until it is creamy. Add the corn meals, creamed corn and water and beat until well mixed. Add sugar, cream, salt, and baking powder and stir to combine. Pour batter into an ungreased 8×8 inch baking pan. Smooth batter and cover with aluminum foil. Place pan into a 9×13 inch baking dish that is filled a third of the way with water. (Think custard) Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven oven for 50 to 60 minutes. Allow to cool for 10 minutes. Scoop on to plate and enjoy!
No fancy recipes for you, just scramble it with some eggs, maybe add in some chopped up hot dog or ham if you like. Salt, pepper and eat. That was the way my mom made it. Total comfort food!
Besides the fact that this woman is super funny she’s a good cook.
Hi, honey. Good to see you looking so happy. Not that I can see you, of course, but you sound happy.
I have a little Holy Spirit moment for you. I was thinking about you last night at vigil Mass. Last evening was the rescheduled 50th anniversary celebration of my husband’s parents (his dad was in the hospital with pneumonia on the anniversary date). Well, as you know, getting all the kids (dressed appropriately), cake, cupcakes, ice cream packed on ice, in the car and to Mass 35 minutes away is nothing short of impossible. To do it with teenagers is double the pleasure, double the fun! By the time we arrived, almost late, we were all a little harried. No sooner had we made it into the pew and knelt to pray, the usher came over and asked if my children could take up the offertory gifts. Of all the people in the entire church (and he had no idea who we were) he chose four of the grandchildren of the couple who were being honored at Mass for their 50th anniversary and repeating their wedding vows afterward. My children, 19 year down to 7 year old did a beautiful job and brought a tear to their mama’s eye. It was worth all the hassle, and God gave me sign that was my reward.
One of our favorite and simple corn recipes is here.
She has great recipes for everything.
Google “corn pancake” and “Corn fritter.”
And Barb at Bless Us O Lord has some corn-dog-muffins going on.
I also like to add some corn to any corn muffin recipe. Real corn makes it special 🙂
You HAVE to try Karen E’s Texas Caviar recipe. Trust me. You must must must.
My very favorite corn recipe is my great-grandmother’s corn soufflé. It’s a little more work than eating straight out of the can (I’ve been there, too, and I don’t have the expectancy craving excuse–I just love corn!), but it looks much more impressive than the effort it actually takes.
1/2 stick butter
2 cups corn
2 tablespoons flour
1 to 1 1/2 cups milk
2 eggs (separated)
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350. Put the butter in your baking dish and stick it in the oven to melt as the oven preheats. Toss the flour with the corn, then mix in the milk (start with 1 cup and add more if needed–will depend on how moist the corn is), the egg yolks, and the salt and pepper. The mixture should be fairly sloppy, but not too runny. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. When the butter is melted, add the corn mixture to the baking dish and stir. Fold in the egg whites. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until brown on top.
Here’s a recipe for “corn spoon bread,” which I like to serve with Chili or Chicken Divan … http://extraordinarymomsnetwork.wordpress.com/2008/11/12/wee-cook-wednesday-corn-spoon-bread/
Here’s my oldest’s favorite way to eat corn…
Midwest Chowder
2c. potatoes, diced (can leave skin on)
1/2c. carrots, chopped
1/2 c. celery, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
2c. water
2 Tbls. butter
2 Tbls. flour
2c. milk
2 1/2c. cheddar cheese, shredded
15 oz. can creamed corn
Pour 2 cups boiling water over potatoes, carrots, celery and onion. Cook until tender – do not mash. Make a white sauce in a separate pan; first mix butter and flour over med. heat, then whisk in the milk. Whisk until smooth. Add shredded cheddar cheese and then add creamed corn. Mix all ingredients together to blend. DO not boil.
*There weren’t seasonings included in the recipe, but I usually add sea salt and pepper, at least. Morton’s Seasoning Salt is another favorite. Season to your taste.
**Can add chopped ham – about 1c. or 2c. shrimp for more protein.
I don’t know where the recipe is, but we bake 1 can creamed + 1 can kernel with some onion, bell peppers (green and red for color) and Velveeta + milk and some sugar.