I did it all by myself!
I know it’s kindergarten knitting but I don’t care. I did that!! (with a little help from KnittingHelp.com.)
I’m so very, very proud of me.
Well on my way to a brand new potholder,
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Homeschooling, Minnesota Me 17 Comments
I did it all by myself!
I know it’s kindergarten knitting but I don’t care. I did that!! (with a little help from KnittingHelp.com.)
I’m so very, very proud of me.
Well on my way to a brand new potholder,
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
WOW! Nice start!
Hey! How did you do it? I’m going to check out that link…I got Abigail a knitting kit for Christmas, and I cannot figure that thing out for the life of me. I may be calling for real time help….Great job!
AWESOME! I’ll link and save that site you linked to. For future reference. Knitting is an art, along with crochet, that eventually I’d love to learn and master. I’ll keep you in my prayers for ease of success – but for now, you have my congratulations!
Great job Margaret! I taught myself and my daughter has been well decked out in handknits ever since. Now to start working on the boy’s stash….
Hurray for you! Those videos are a huge help. I’m very visual — can’t follow written directions for the life of me. One stitch after another and soon you have…something!
Wonderful! Do enjoy it. The only reason I haven’t started knitting is because I fear the addiction to another creative outlet. But oh, would I love to join you in learning!!
Merry Christmas, dear Margaret!
congrats!!! what a great cast-on!
p.s…. how did you ever get that great snow look on your blog!! so fancy!
My daughters and I are learning to knit! My sister started showing one of my daughters the basics. St Nicholas brought her a book and yarn and left needles in my stocking! My first attempt is a scarf because it is supposed to be the easiest. So far my problem has been counting stitches…I think the scarf should be wider in some places than in others…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
Woohoo! That looks great! I remember how excited I was when I first learned to “cast-on” – funny thing is it’s still the hardest part of knitting for me – and I’ve been knitting long enough that I make teddy bears now. 🙂
From one knitter to another…welcome to “just one more row, hone…just one more row!”
Bless you, Margaret! Knitting is such fun!!
anothing knitter to add to the madness! love it! 🙂
And that’s some very fine knitting, indeed!
Yay! That’s great. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it’s so rewarding to know, “I did that!” I still do Kindergarten knitting, Mags — I haven’t progressed beyond knit and purl, and haven’t even done mittens yet. But, I love all my scarves, and doll scarves, and doll blankets …. 🙂
Look how nice and even it is? That’s great! I love knitting.
You go girl!!!
I see you have already achieved my level of competency. Some day I vow I will move beyond potholders and scarves and try an actual pattern (yikes!). If I can ever finish my current scarf, that is!
Excellent job! 🙂 I just ordered a DVD to teach me to knit. Let’s see if I can get it figured out. I’ll have to follow your link as well.
Beautiful start Margaret! It looks perfect! You are going to have so much fun!