When it comes to my attempting to sew, everything.
Today is my baby’s 4th birthday. I am trying very hard to not be in denial, as it hard to host a party when one is in denial.
And who told her that she could turn 4, anyway?
One of my gifts to Angela today is the complete and utter death to self. In other words, I’m attempting to mend her blankie.
This is a painful process for me, as I am decidedly not a seamstress. My mother sews beautifully. My mother-in-law sews beautifully. My friends sew beautifully.
Me, I fight it tooth and nail.
It is not a process that comes as naturally to me as, say, blogging. (Ah! There’s the problem.) Although given that many of my blogging friends also sew beautifully, the problem appears to be self-perpetuating.

It’s soft and sweet and at present, perfect. I don’t dare touch it.
And say a prayer for Angela!
Ad Jesum per Mariam, who I’m sure was an awesome seamstress,
*Updated to Add: I did it! I really did it. It looks like it was sewn by FrankenMommy but it’s done and that’s the best part. No, I take that back. The best part was Angela’s gushing. Wow! My confidence (if not my talent) has improved greatly.
OH gosh!! I hear you on the sewing thing. I can sew straight lines. I think it’s the time to get everything out and the limited time to actually sew something and then having to put it all away. You can’t leave out pins and something that could, let’s say sew a finger could you?
I have a bunch of receiving blankets from my sister and brother when they were babies and of my own children that I cut into quilt squares and planned on making into a quilt….they have been cut for almost 2 years! Someday I will take out that darn sewing machine and sew a little and put it all away and keep doing it until that darn quilt is done!! And then of course blog about it!!
Anyway, best wishes today with the sewing!! And happy happy birthday to your sweet baby!!(even if she’s 4!) I will pray for many blessings for her today!!
I’m relieved to learn that I’m not the only blogger who can’t sew.
Happy Birthday Angela!!!
Happy birthday to your baby – mine is four as well. She’s a beauty!
Happy big girl birthday Angela!
Happy Birthday to your baby!! Good luck on the sewing.
And there are those of us who go running to Charlotte(Matilda) with ripped blankie in hand and enjoy a lovely afternoon of conversation and play time while watching her fix it for you!
You need a Charlotte in your (real) life.
Everyone does!
Good for you, I am terrible at sewing mostly because I do it so infrequently, but it was more than necessary a few times for my son’s blanket. I even had to sew the tag back on becuase that was the part he loved so much. My husband used to threaten to go back to work when he came home and saw the sewing machine out. The last major mending was passed off to my mother because there was just nothing more I could do; his blanket looked like it should belong to Frankenstien. Thank heaven for a grandma’s love- I haven’t had to touch it since.
Don’t you love the gushing? My daughter was just gushing how I can do everything “SO PERFECT!!!!” because I could butter a stack of bread faster than she could. Aren’t I impressive? And in her eyes, your sewing IS PERFECT!
Thank you, dear anonymous friend. I needed to read that.
Today has been very lonely and not very Birthday Party Festive at all. Hubby & my oldest son are at a camp-out and we're doing the cake & presents tomorrow.
It is not fun to not be a family on a birthday.
What an honor to share my birthday with such a sweet little girl.
Great job sweetie, and just so you know my first baby (now age 12) has the same Peter Rabbit fabric blanket quilt that I made for her 🙂 Happy b-day to a very cute 4yo!!