I am giving a talk to a homeschooling moms’ group tonight and I am nervous.
On the one hand, what could be more fun and relaxing than chatting with other like-minded mothers?
On the other hand, I am nervous.
Could you lend me a Memorare?
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Done! :o)
Of course!
Done! Have fun!!
The Memorare is the very best! Consider it done.
Boy did you make my heart stop! When I pulled up your page, all I saw was the heading, “Prayers, Please” and I thought it was going to be your baby! Talk about some fast praying! We’ve been dedicating some Rosary time to your little bambino so I hope you’re still feeling well (or sick, if that works).
Good luck tonight as well, more praying for you!
You betcha.
You’ll be wonderful. Prayer offered.
Just found this. Said Memorare. lois
Whew! Another one here that was afraid this was about the baby! Don’t scare us like that! 😉
I’m sure your talk is done now — I’m sure it was great! (I have to give a talk to my homeschooling group in February, and I’m already a little nervous. LOL)
You did just fine, trust me. I enjoyed your candor — and facial expressions! We’ll keep praying for you and your little one…
I had to look it up, (Curse you Swedish Covenant forefathers!!) but I am ready next time.