…of a homeschooling family.
This is what (a fraction of) yesterday looked like in action.
Those coloring pages were such a hit! First I read the Magnificat hymn to them (hmm…that sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it? I “read” the hymn to them?) and we talked about the feast day. They were still very much engaged at that point–they were still a “captive” audience–and so I decided to transition smoothly into History.
Clever mommy! I got the entire chapter read with nary an interruption! (We’re doing Story of the World Part II as a family.)
Really, to occupy their little hands with something tangible is key, I’m finding.
Except I don’t stand across the room like this when I’m reading to them. That would just be weird.
And how do you like my stacks of books on the floor? My husband calls me “Maggie of the Many Piles.”
The preschooler, of course, can be a wild card. A cute little wild card, but a wild card nonetheless.
Next we have a shot of Felicity getting fussy. She wants to borrow Jem’s cerulean blue crayon but evidently Jem is using it.
All in all, it worked very well while it lasted. Eventually Angela was too wound up to remain contained (read: she started to trash the place) and we were forced to break for recess.
But for a while there, it was really slick.
Smiling at the end of a not-too-bad Monday and wondering what today will hold, I am
What a great schoolroom! I love it.
What are you going to do when those boys get big and start bonking their heads on the ceiling?
I love schoolroom photos. Thanks for sharing!
Man, what is it about those preschoolers? I thought David was going to be the hand full this year, but boy, was I wrong! You’re schoolroom looks so great.
Perhaps I can shame my son into joining us in our coloring adventures by showing him pictures of your big guys! If they helped you get through your day a little easier, then think of that as a hug from me to you!
HA! I was just thinking “WOW, we did the same coloring sheets!” Duh, we got them from you.
I love your schoolroom! It’s so nice to hear someone’s Monday went “somewhat smoothly”.
Ours was pretty bumpy, but today will be better – Tuesdays are always easier for us than Mondays. 
Darn that Cerulean blue. It is always causing trouble around here, too.
Sounds like an awesome day! Hope it holds!
Love your schoolroom Margaret … looks like a great day.
I’ve been tempted to go anal retentive by buying several big boxes of crayons and separating out all of the colors. I think my husband would laugh if he knew I spent all that time organizing crayons.
Love your schoolroom!
I’ll have to try letting the kids color while I read. They do a pretty good job of paying attention, but I wonder if it would make a difference.