My husband, being my husband, suggested that I post a great big April Fools! regarding yesterday’s announcement. Because I value your friendship (and my life), I opted not to go that route…
…though we do enjoy a good prank around here. Not surprisingly, my husband’s April fooling almost always involves my morning coffee. This is so not funny! There was the year that he rubbed honey on the rim of all my mugs. Not being the add-some-sweetener type, I was thoroughly repulsed. (And besides, who adds honey to their coffee?!)
Another year he tripped the outlet that was connected to my coffee maker which meant, of course, that it did not work. And then he turned off the power to the all neighboring outlets as well! I cut a highly pathetic figure as I staggered around in my confusion, trying outlets and the “company” coffee maker that we keep in the basement until finally I figured it—and him—out. I made my coffee in the living room that morning.
He has yet to get me this year.
Feel free to share any of your favorite April Fool’s jokes in the comment box, and have a happy, laugh-filled day. Life is too precious a gift not to enjoy every blessing.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Let’s see, we colored the children’s milk blue this morning in the carton. It was a paper carton so they didn’t notice until they were pouring it onto their cereal. Sunshine returned the favor by rearranging the silverware drawer so that when you thought you were grabbing a spoon (because who really has to look anymore?) you ended up with a fork. She also replaced an empty box of wet wipes with tissues instead. Thank goodness no one is in diapers anymore! And right now, my girls are sporting Hannah Montana hair extensions in order to fool their Daddy this afternoon when he comes home and they have pink streaks in their hair! Yeah, we are silly people!
We did call the FIL this morning and told him that our septic backed up and he needed to get up here right away as sewage was everywhere…
Congratulations to you, Margaret!!
One year my boys put a rubber band around the spray nozzle at my kitchen sink, then positioned it to hit me directly in the face. When I next turned on the faucet, they roared in laughter as the water forcefully hit me and sprayed across the kitchen towards the stove…..boys….;)
We surprised daddy this morning by making a juice glass full of jello for him to mix his Vibe into. He totally fell for it. Right now we are making hamburgers and fries for dinner along with frosted brownies. The hamburger buns are yellow cake made in the cans from bamboo shoots. The burger is thinly spread brownie mix. Ketchup will be strawberry jelly mixed with frosting. Fries are made from sugar cookie dough. The frosted brownies are actually meatloaf with mashed potatoes mixed with gravy on top. Oh, and don’t forget the kiwi pickles. We love this day!
Cathie B from Minnesota
Okay, people, stop giving Margaret ideas, at least until today is over.
Signed, The likely victim.
I tuned into WLTE this morning and heard Christmas music! Their April Fool’s joke was that their Christmas music session that lasted from November to December 26 was so successful they decided to start playing Christmas music year round! I laughed. A little.
Dear Likely Victim,
Those suggestions were sent via private email! You have been warned!!!
Have a nice evening!
I’ve gotten the rubber band on the spray nozzle in the past!
But for apples in April — we often leave the “past prime” apples (the ones not even worth trimming around) out for the chipmunks and squirrels in our yard. We’ve found several up in the crook of a branch — it looks so funny in snowy weather! But we’ve actually seen squirrels climbing a tree with an apple stuck in their teeth!
Vaseline on doorknobs. Hee hee!
I told my daughter that there was a casting call for girls her age for the next two films of Harry Potter. The casting calls were in Baltimore and we needed to prepare before this coming weekend if she wanted to try out. Wow! Was she angry when I yelled “April Fools!”
I hadn’t ever done April Fools with my kids. This post has given me some fun ones to try next year! Thanks!
I really don’t like April Fools day, but that apple is pretty funny and not like most “pranks” that I have heard before.