Feeling certain that her mother’s existence is far cushier than her own, Cate compiled an itemized complaint at the breakfast table this morning.
“Mommies get all the fun stuff, like blogs and mommy/daddy movies and sweet & sour mix with that other stuff in it and going on retreats and to Hawaii…”
I think it might be really fun to perpetuate this myth and tell her about all the Polly Pockets and My Little Ponies that I played with while on retreat last weekend.
And in my defense, it will soon be Lent, and I will be putting aside that sweet & sour mix with the tequila in it.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
LOL, playing with Polly Pockets! Thanks for the laugh.
You play My Little Ponies too? Good. I’m glad I’m not the only one. 🙂
Boy, we were just complaining over here about how it’s SO not fair that mommy calls the shots on the computer time.
Did you get a good tan? 🙂
Oh, the poor mistreated kid. It’s such a rough life! :-p
Show her this in 25 years, and I guarantee she’ll recant. 🙂