I absolutely love that Christmas is a season and not just a day. The fact is, once I have made it to the midnight mark on Christmas Eve, all pressure is off. What’s done is done and what isn’t…doesn’t matter.
Here, then, are some of the highlights from the past few festive days.
Christmas Eve day was as crazy as always. Have you ever waited to take your Christmas card photo until you were dressed and ready for Christmas Mass? Highly not recommended. We did get the shot, though, and it is now ready to be included in this year’s Epiphany greetings. ; )
Four of our five kids had parts in our church’s Nativity program, which makes, like, twenty years in a row now that I’ve had to do the mad pre-Christmas Eve scramble for shepherds’ headdresses & angels’ robes & black pantyhose that do not slip. (Woops. Guess that last item was for Mom.) I volunteered to help direct traffic at the back of the church, which meant taking zero photos while seeing the potential for at least a dozen great ones. Sigh.
The Christmas Eve liturgy was beautiful. I only started crying once which, all things considered, is practically a record.
After Mass, my family settled in for a quiet evening. That was the plan; however, our overgrown puppy had other inclinations. My husband had just begun the Gospel reading that accompanies the placement of our Infant Savior in the manger when I heard the unmistakable sound of canine feasting. I bolted from the sitting room yelling, “Ellie! Noooooo!” only to find our presumptious pooch with her face in the leftover steak fondue. My husband, ever the epitome of coolness compared to the overreactions of his dorky wife, just…kept…reading.
Christmas Day was spent with my side of the family. (My husband and I are good little spouses. We take turns.) The long haul to the great state of North Dakota is always worth it, if not just to sample my oldest sister’s Christmas baking. My sister is an amazing cook, one of those rare people who will say things like “Oh heck. We don’t have hamburger buns for supper,” and then will whip up a batch justlikethat from scratch. Her cookie platters are to diet for.
When I wasn’t eating treats I was snitching kisses. (They’re far less fattening.)
The day after Christmas was snowy, white and wonderful. My mom & dad loaded up the kids on sugary cereal and then kicked them (and me) outside to play. Did I mind? Not one wee bit.
Eventually it came time to pack up the van and say goodbye. These Christmas farewells are always the hardest. You never know when you will meet again…
but you remain hopeful and thankful and happy, all the same.
Merry 12 Days of Christmas, everyone! Enjoy your friends, enjoy your family. Above all, live in love.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us! Beautiful pictures. We were actually ready this year early enough to take pictures before Mass…you never know what they will look like after Mass!
Ellie looks so much like Sam and Ruby both did as puppies. Your family looks beautiful!
How beautiful – love the family photo. And we haven’t sent our cards out yet either. Still hoping!
The bald guy was recording your four adorable kids (and my 4) for posterity. Don’t know what Father plans to do with the video once he’s edited it, though.
My cards went out yesterday, so you’re in good company with the 12 Days of Christmas greetings!
Every one of those pictures is so, so sweet. Do you know your Christmas picture last year with your girls in their pretty dresses inspired me to finally buy Christmas dresses for this year?? I’ve always hesitated, for fear of spending the money on something the girls will only wear a few times, but I’m so glad I did it!
That photo of your parents faintly seen in the window as you leave is precious.
Thanks for sharing your Christmas memories and photos with us. How precious. Great family photo.
I especially love the very first photo of your daughter out in her tights. 🙂
Hope you’re enjoying all of that snow up there!!
Merry Christmas, Margaret! You all look beautiful!
Merry Christmas, Margaret! The pictures are great – your youngest daughter looks so much like her daddy and the oldest daughter looks so much like you. Your sister is beautiful!
What a great post! I felt like I was there with you all. You have the most beautiful family, you know that, right? Just stunning! And, I got all teary eyed with the picture of the grandparents staring out the window saying goodbye. Oh, those farewells are just so hard! Glad you had such a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
Talk about family resemble!! You and your sister certainly look alike! Merry Christmas.
Margaret, you always present the best of the best!!!
What a gorgeous family and beautiful post!
Merry, merry Christmas with so much love to you all!
[I love Camille in the red hat–such a happy sight.]
Beautiful Family Photo! Thanks for your recommendation of the Loving Family doll house. I got my daughter one for Christmas and we love it!
I like best saying “Merry Christmas!” to everyone else, who think that Christmas is already over!
Merry Christmas, Margaret!
Merry Christmas Season to you, too, Margaret. I love all the pictures! They’re wonderful!
OOPS, I missed this post this morning when I peeked at your blog.
What a beautiful family you have Margaret. You can see the “happy” in everyone.