Instead of listing ten reasons for my gratitude today, I am giving you only one.
Her name is Alice.
And today she joins the club.
I love her so much that I just have to say: 40 Hail Marys for you today, Missy!
With much love and many regrets (today) that I am,
PS. I don’t know that Alice, being Alice, will even mention the fact that today is her very special day. Therefore I invite you to sign this “card” if you like by leaving a comment. Perhaps you could add to the spiritual bouquet that I have started?
Oh, yes! A very happy birthday to dear Alice, one of the most beautiful people I know of! I will pray a rosary for her today!
Margaret – thank you for hosting Alice’s CyberBirthday Party!
Alice- Biggest Birthday Blessings to you! With Love, kristina
A very happy birthday to a very special woman!! Happy birthday Alice!!!
Happy Birthday and we will remember you in our nightly decade!
Happy, happy, birthday, dear Alice! We love you!
The Eds
Margaret, I wish we could have showed up on her doorstep today! 🙂
Happy Birthday to my best friend. Ooh! I just realized you really are my BFF. Hee!
Oh, how I love you, Margaret, and all of you!!!
Many, many, many thanks!!!!!
Laughing out loud to see the perfect birthday photo too! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!
I hope Alice has the most wonderful birthday! And welcome to the club. I joined that one last year.
Happy Birthday, Alice. Blessings to you and your family and I continue to pray for your Mom.
Happy birthday, dear Alice. We’ll offer up the rosary for your intentions.
Happy Birthday Alice! I hope it is a wonderful and happy day! I will include you in my Rosary intention. Love, Jen
Have a Blessed and Happy Birthday, Alice!
Have a wonderful birthday, I’m still hoping to meet you some day(:
Alice, Alice..I just sent you an email and didn’t know of this very special day for you! Happy, Happy Birthday to You. Many prayers and much love to you! I wish I could give you a big hug in person!! 🙂
Alice, a very Happy Birthday from a younger sister-in-spirit (uh….not much younger)!!!