Actually, just tea.
But it was such very good tea—blackberry, yum!—that I didn’t even mind not being served coffee.
I didn’t mind anything about this afternoon, in fact.
I was as happy as a clam.
So…for all you non-participants in my guessing game (What’s a gal gotta do to get you people to comment? Offer a $200.00 gift certificate to Williams-Sonoma?), here are the Minnesota bloggers from the photo:

But if she did, it’d be a great one.)
Here’s the hilarious coincidence. Tracy invited the other gals (all of them from North of the Cities) to meet for lunch at a lovely little tea shop. Paula then invited me, not knowing that Tracy and I go way back to our early days of parenting! It’s just that I’m a lowly Southerner now, I guess. Tracy didn’t think I’d make the drive.
Ha! She don’t know me very well.
Not only was I more than willing to join them, I was also inspired to take an occasional odd photo along the way, like this one from the ladies room:
That’s how pretty a place this was. They even tried to make an unsightly pipe attractive!
And for the record, I was On Time this time. Unlike one of the other ladies, (ahem!) who excused her tardiness by saying, “I pulled a Margaret!”
Hmmph. ; )
Perchance you are curious about the menu. In addition to the delicious blackberry tea, we were served croissants (with our choice of chicken or egg salad); scones, clotted cream; raspberry preserves; lemon curd; fresh fruit; and a tasty little chocolate morsel made with oreos and caramel, which I should have eaten first because everything else just filled me up.
You can bet the conversation went all over the place, with a generous nod given to both the Latin Mass and our favorite blogs. (No surprise there.) There was also some talk of a recent wedding.
This photo is for all the 4Realers (especially Matilda) :
What else can I say? It was a wonderful day. Very real. Very fun. Very Minnesotan.
Oh, Margaret, what a fabulous day! Love the menu, the hats and most of all the company!! Thanks for sharing it all with us!
You are so eloquent! I’m so glad we finally met. Anyone reading this, believe me. Margaret is even more beautiful and radiant in person than she appears to be on this blog. It was a wonderful tea!
What a great time. I’m jealous. I’m just a lowly Ohioan with no blogger friends. :o)
What a wonderful day you all had! Wish I was there : )
Too much fun!
Glad that you all got to experience this!
I will have to check out the other MN blogs, I have to admit, I am loyal to you Margaret and I have not heard of the others! (that is why I did not even try to guess) There should be a bloggers conference somewhere, how fun to get together!!! If you get a chance, let me know where the tea place was, it looks so fun, a great place to take my mom and sister!
Margaret, Margaret!!!
So glad you got up a post about the tea. I am so very glad I went, and I agree with everyone else, you are a very classy lady and so chic!! Meeting you at the conference was a treat, but meeting you at tea was like a long dessert!!
What fun! Wish I could have been there! 🙂
You Minnesotans are beyond beautiful–and I wish we all could have been there!!!
Margaret, we’ve just returned from vacation too and now I am full of ideas (and photos) for a blog. So the blog project is now #15 on my TO DO list. The Tea Party was so lovely – if the next get together is indeed a “MN Catholic blogger’s conference” I had better get with it!