Here we go.
Today is Day 1 of Catholic Vacation Bible School: a crazy busy but extremely fun kind of week, and one where my kids need to be dressed and loaded into the van by 7:00 a.m.
if we’re to make it.
Which is so very not my normal rhythm.
I will be volunteering in the nursery, along with fellow Minnesotan and friend-of-the-heart Erin, so hopefully we’ll cover this event in a way that you find edifying, amusing, and ever-so-slightly maniacal.
Either that, or we’ll just do our best to keep those little critters entertained.
30 children 3-and-under in a standard issue classroom!
Like I said. Here we go.
Good luck. I have yet to volunteer for VBS as I’ve normally only had kids four and under in my own house and had yet the courage to be in charge of anyone elses little ones. We have swimming lessons in the evening on top of VBS. Bad scheduling on my part (hey, my coffee had been taken away, imparing my decision making).
Wishing you much coffee, cookies, and hopefully some DVDs.
The time will fly by, the harder part will be waking up everyone tomorrow and the next day and the next! It is worth it, I’m sure they will all have so much fun!
Best of luck!!! Our VBS was a couple of weeks ago. I taught one of the classes, and by the end of the week, I was exhausted. But, it sure was fun at Mass this week to sit near one of the girls that was in my class and have her get a big smile on her face when she saw me. 🙂
Our VBS was at the beginning of this month, and that “getting all the kids in the car so early” thing is what always has me second-guessing my choice to volunteer. 🙂
You’ll be in my prayers, dear! 🙂
I was VBS Director this year for the second time. I think the job will be mine until I scream “no more”. We eliminated the early morning rush by having our VBS in the evening. Now it was an evening-rush-home-to-get-them-in-bed before too late kind of rush.
My codirector is a doctor and she can’t help unless we do it in the evening. We get more kids and volunteers that way, too.