Because we finally bought a camera and will finally be able to post some photos.
Just in time, eh? : )
Thank you for all of your recommendations! We went with a Canon PowerShot, which will hopefully give us a lot of bang for our buck before we bang it to bits like the last ones.
Well, I didn’t give a recommendation, but if I did, it would have been for this very camera!! We just purchased this same one at Christmas (thanks to a few best buy gift cards and a generous husband!!)
Anyways, I really am very happy with it over all. Except sometimes with the flash-lag thing. I am still trying to figure out how to get that remedied.
I hope you enjoy the picture taking!!
Enjoy your new camera. Maybe investing in a nice camera bag will help keep it in tip top shape 😉
Can’t wait to see some pictures!
Can’t wait for the pictures!
Just in time, as in just in time for a certain someone’s birthday? Happy birthday to a dear boy!!! Best of luck with your new appareil photo–may you have many slick and pleasant photos and no, “Oh, good gravy, how di I work this thing!?” moments.
I think you’re probably sweeter in real life and Danielle will be overwhelmed and begging to move to Minnesota!