in honor of all our soldiers
Be near me when my light is low,
When the blood creeps, and the nerves prick
And tingle; and the heart is sick,
And all the wheels of Being slow.Be near me when the sensuous frame
Is rack’d with pangs that conquer trust;
And Time, a maniac scattering dust,
And Life, a Fury slinging flame.Be near me when my faith is dry,
And men the flies of latter spring,
That lay their eggs, and sting and sing
And weave their petty cells and die.Be near me when I fade away,
To point the term of human strife,
And on the low dark verge of life
The twilight of eternal day.From In Memoriam A.H.H. by Alfred Lord Tennyson
For a beautiful reflection on where our thoughts and hearts should properly be this Monday, please visit one of the loveliest soldier’s wives I know, Jennie C. at Far Beyond Pearls.
The above image was found at and is from a flag-burning ceremony held on June 16, 2005.
Oh, I posted almost the exact same thing as Jennie! How funny.