You want to know the definition of a really nice Grandma and Grandpa? A really nice Grandma and Grandpa make a special trip to their grandson’s house so that his mom (their daughter-in-law) can upload all the photos that they took at said grandson’s First Communion off their camera and post some pictures on her blog.
Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Doug, you’re the best. Thank you.
Here they are, then: my own personal favorites from this Sunday’s Big Event.
Thank you for sharing, the pictures are so beautiful. Next year my son will be making his first Holy Communion, I am already praying for this blessed event! -I love the barefoot picture, she is just so full of personality!!
What a handsome boy your Stephen is. Congratulations to all of you!
Congratulations and many blessings to Stephen!
I’m so glad you were able to share the pictures! Congratulations!
Congratulations and thanks for sharing the photos. How beautiful!
What beautiful pictures! I love the one of Mom and Stephen, and I,too, love the barefoot picture! š
Thank you Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Doug!
Your family is gorgeous!
Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! What a special day! I was just at my niece’s and nephew’s first communion and remembered how much I love first communion ceremonies. I teared up too, and it wasn’t even one of mine receiving! I’m so glad you had a wonderful day!
Congratulations Stephen and family! Margaret – such wonderful pics – you have a lovely family!!
What a special day! The last 2 years, I had a child receiving first communion and really missed it this year. Two more years until my next one is old enough…
I see that your church had a communion rail – how lucky you are! It is so rare to see one. Our family went to a traditional Latin mass at the Cathederal in Sioux Falls last year and a communion rail was used. I realized I had to quickly explain to my children how to receive communion this way – and found myself wishing that more churches would go back to this wonderful tradition in our Catholic roots.
I agree with Katie. How beautiful to see Stephen receiving kneeling down! You must have a wonderful Church and priest. I have tears in my eyes…can you imagine how much I’ll be bawling when my son has his FHC in a few years?
Congratulations on a happy, holy, beautiful day!
Congratulations to all! Thanks for sharing; it feels like we could almost be there!
Yes, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for the precious, priceless pictures! Congratulations to young Steven on this most special occassion!
You have a beautiful family, Margaret! May God fill you all with an abundance of blessings!
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Congratulations and blessings to all!
Beautiful pictures, Margaret. You were beaming as brightly as your son. Congratulations!! He’s also might handsome.
What wonderful photographs of such a blessed event!
Congratulations!!! These are beautiful pictures. Than you for sharing them. I really enjoyed them. You have sucha beautiful family. God bless you.
Congratulations Stephen, what wonderful photos, thanks for sharing them!! A very special and blessed day!
Many, many blessings to your dear boy! Beautiful pictures!
Margaret, what great pictures! Your family is lovely. God Bless Stephen.
What a lovely day – blessings to all!