We have returned from our journey. Western North Dakota is still very flat, just so you know.
Much of my family was able to meet up at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, and I’ll tell you—the hugs that I got from my nieces made the five-hour drive so very worth it. Thank you for your prayers; both young ladies were radiant.
Which, given what they both have been through, is very courageous.
Here are the rest of the highlights from my trip. This is all more gossipy than anything, really, so if you’ve got better things to do, I’ll understand:
- My dad makes a mean Manhattan, which made for a happy “happy hour” on Saturday evening. Don’t be scandalized, now! I can think of few things as pleasant as enjoying a cocktail with one’s 82-year-old parents who, thanks be to God, are healthy & active & well. We talked and laughed about many things, including my recent trip to Hawaii and Dad’s having been stationed there during WWII.
- My mother gave me a box containing pretty much my whole life. There are cards that I made for her during grade school, notes of apology that I wrote when I was 16, and the letters I wrote during college. Wow. I can remember sitting at a little café in Midtown Manhattan (drinking coffee, not Manhattans) and writing some of these lengthy missives. I remember (just barely) having the time to write long letters! Anyway, I was very inspired by her having set these things aside for me. All she did was take a shoebox and put my picture on the outside of it. Everything memorable went into the box. How simple is that? This was a timely gift for me because I have recently begun the massive task of archiving two decades’ worth of photos and correspondence. What to keep? What to throw? Some of it, at least, will be set aside in five little shoeboxes with my children’s names & photos attached. Much will be thrown.
- My husband decided to start potty training Camille while the rest of us were up north. This sounded great to me until I realized that I would have to pick up where he left off when I returned. Right now she is batting about 40% and has had one particularly unpleasant incident involving our playground slide and the number 2.
Anyone else going through potty training madness right now? Because I’m going crazy. Please tell me it’s okay to let the rest of the place go to pot (ha) in the process of house-breaking your toddler.
Can I just say that I LOVE being able to leave you comments now! Hallelujah! All of Lent it was a sacrifice for me to not be able to leave them….
Anyways, potty training our son right now. Well, planning to anyways. He is perfectly happy in a diaper and I just don’t want to do it. I know he is ready since he does #1 & #2 on the regular toilet almost every night before his bedtime diaper (weird, he just wants to do it like sister).
Anyways, I know I should do this before our #3 comes in 6 weeks. Maybe my beloved husband will do it for me on Friday and Saturday while I am away on retreat!!
Ugh… I’m a terrible and LAZY potty trainer. If it’s not easy, I don’t do it. So… DS will be four at the end of the month and he still is in diapers, although he does #2 in the potty (go figure). And this is my second child who is almost four and not potty trained. The stories are not pretty.
So going crazy here too. Glad you had a nice trip!
Welcome home, Margaret. And what a nasty thing for your husband to do to you! 😉
Potty training is the one aspect of parenting that I really struggle with. I didn’t particularly dig it with my first (who was in hindsight, pretty easy). Now I sure don’t hold any love for it that I am finally finishing with my *ahem* tempermental child at age 4 1/2. The one child where everything becomes a battle of wills.
Good luck! I am currently trying to postpone my 2 year old, who actually acts like he wants to potty train. Maybe he will be easier??
Glad to have you back! Well potty traning is just a distant memory now! As far as a remember the week the girls turned 2 we took off the nappies & for a week there was bedlam & that was that…all done. For the boys we did the same the week they turned 3. that saved any bother. out of interest our eldest’s last dirty nappy was when she was 11 months..well we started her early so it can be done. Hope this helps & good luck!
God bless
Good luck on the potty training! I am not a pro at it by any means — both of my boys were 4 years 10 months before they finally potty trained. I’m praying for an easier go with our youngest, who is two right now.
Welcome home! I am so glad you had a nice trip! I love the shoe box idea! Potty training: I am waiting until shorts weather to train my 2 1/2 year old, Maybe May/June! She will get it…she will get it!
It is a bit cool still, but I recommend removing all bottom clothing. I’ve found they have many fewer accidents if all they have to do is run and sit! And get the potty centrally located (get more than one if you have to!). Bring it with you outdoors and anywhere else you can (the playground, running errands, wherever). Put a plastic bag in the potty and keep it in the van. Nothing worse than trying to find a potty with someone who waited too long (don’t they all?)
After secretly enjoying your blog throughout Lent, I figured it was time to say “hello.”
I thought I’d weigh in on the potty training too. My 2 cents: never underestimate the power of chocolate.
My youngest son (he’ll be 3 in August) potty trained himself last week. I provided the M&Ms as incentive and he decided it was great earning 4-5 M&Ms just for getting it in the potty. Plus, when a 2-year-old eats 50 or more of those little candies in a day, meal prep becomes a cinch!
Stickers worked for my two-year-old. But the accidents are inevitable. It might be a dirty job, but it’s SO MUCH EASIER not to have diapers. I am, it seems, in the minority on this though. And I’ll admit to being just as “lazy” as the next guy (if you could see my house…well, you’d understand) Stay strong! It will work out for you!
Hi Margaret. Your potty training woes remind me of all the poo related posts I’ve read here at http://www.inthemidstofit.blogspot.com She has some funny potty training stories in her archives.