…who I am certain has fallen asleep waiting for it!
Coffee, tea or other beverage? You don’t really need the answer to this one, do you? I’ll give it to you anyway: strong coffee with cream.
Are you a morning bird or a night owl? I get up at 5:00 a.m. without an alarm clock. Does that qualify me as an early bird? Consequently, my friends know not to phone me after 9:00 p.m.; to do so is to talk to the living dead.
Do you have a favorite verse of Scripture? I have two favorites, the only two I can recite without looking them up: Philippians 4:13 (“I can do all things in Him Who strengthens me.”) and Jeremiah 29:11 (“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord; plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”)
What is your favorite book of the Bible? I don’t have a favorite but I am partial to the books of Isaiah and Luke. I also love the wee little gem of a read that is Jonah.
Which do you prefer, pen or pencil? Pen, mostly, though I do enjoy the scritch scritch of well-sharpened pencil.
Laptop or desktop? Desktop. Here’s a bonus photo of me blogging, for ‘Meg:
When you write do you print or use cursive? I write in cursive. When I was an assistant teacher in France, the headmistress insisted that our writing be “beautiful”, like in a monastery. I learned to write with pen and ink, and my penmanship definitely changed for the better!
Do you plan your menus or do you just wing it? I would say I plan my meals 50% of the time. Sometimes I use Saving Dinner and sometimes I cook a whole bunch of meals for the freezer. My ultimate goal is to have the meal so planned out that I even remember the jello! I’m not there yet, though.
Favorite color? When I was a little girl, it was purple. Now I don’t have a favorite, though I am very fond of yellows, browns and blues.
Favorite form of exercise? It used to be stair-stepping until we purchased a used treadmill from some very dear friends (love you, Cathie!). Now I do a combination of speed-walking and running: 2-3 miles at a time, 3-4 times a week. See this meme for the soundtrack.
How do you wear your hair most days? When my hair was long I wore it up in a pony a lot. Now I just tuck it behind my ears and I’m good to go.
Which do you prefer, baking or cooking? I love to do both and have my sisters to thank for that.
In the house are you barefoot, in slippers or in shoes? I feel only partially dressed without my shoes. It’s a Flylady thing. Once the sun sets, however, it’s slippers all the way!
Do you wash dishes by hand or have a dishwasher? Both. We also put our indentured servants to work quite often.
Do you have pets? Not unless you count my husband’s fish and my son’s two frogs & a toad. (I don’t.) We dream of getting a Golden Retriever one day.
What do you eat for breakfast? Whatever I’m making for the kids: pancakes, omelettes, French toast…I love breakfast-type foods! If you’d like to know one of my weirder choices, it’s a packet of ramen noodles with an egg cracked in (cooked, of course). Yum!
Tell me one thing you love about your state. I’ll give you two: the four seasons and the lakes!
What is your favorite magazine? Once again, I’ll give you two: Magnificat and Faith & Family.
I tag anyone and everyone who wants to play!
I want my computer in the kitchen! It’s the perfect location. But, alas, I don’t think I have room without some major reorganizing. Hmmm ….
“If you’d like to know one of my weirder choices, it’s a packet of ramen noodles with an egg cracked in (cooked, of course)” … Atticus loves this. 🙂
Margaret, you are such a love! What a fun meme! 🙂
Ummmm, aahhh, I would say that sometime this summer my two AKC registered Golden Retrievers will be having puppies…..should I send you pictures?????
Paula: yes!!!
I loved reading your answers Margaret. Thanks for playing the Meme.
Your family seems like lots of fun!
I feel famous!!!
Great meme…
Thanks for the pic!
I love the picture of you blogging.
Look at you! You are too cute for words! I’m guessing that your hubby snapped this picture?
Great meme, Margaret. And yes, everyone, her penmanship is beautiful!