Gift Creep (n.) a phrase coined by Minnesota Mom’s husband to describe (lovingly, I’m sure) her tendency to keep adding on to the number of presents she’s already purchased.
As in, “I thought you’d already bought my mom a present.”
To which M in M replies, “I know! But look how pretty!”
It’s a symptom of insecurity, I know.
But you also get a pretty cool-looking gift “tower” out of the deal!
Could that term also be used to describe how the gifts seem to migrate from under the tree to take over the living room? i.e. “The gift creep is making the living room impassable.”
That describes the last few days for me perfectly. I always panic that what I have is not quite enough.
That happens to me too! I think what happens to me is I get things for people then find more great things and think I wish I would have waited and got this! It’s fun to buy for other people.
This is very cute. My Mom used to do this. I liked being the recipient of the extra gifts.
I’ve been ‘creeping’ a bit around here too. It’s one of the downsides of being prepared ahead of time. When it comes down to the shopping ‘crunch’ you feel like you need to join in!
I’m heading up to Minnesota tomorrow. I hear you got a tiny bit of snow. Hopefully it can last until Christmas?
Do I have a camera in my house? I just discovered that I did this!!! In an effort make sure everyone was even, I’ve made it lopsided the other way!! Ugh.
Atticus and I went out last night and did some gift-creeping. 🙂