The stores are filling up with grim-looking people who don’t smile.
Yesterday the girls & I ran to Sam’s Club to get a cake for the feast of Christ the King. As I peered at all the options: cheesecake (“Yuck!” said Maria. Can she be my daughter?); white with buttercream frosting (too birthdayish); Italian cream cake (That’s the one!), I noticed a lady trying to get by us.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” I said, and gave her what I hoped was my sunniest of smiles.
She in turn scowled fiercely and moved on, shaking her head at my little girls in disgust.
Pre-Holiday (aka Advent) tip Number 1: be proactive, not reactive! When people treat you poorly, treat them tenderly (if only in thought) in return.
Yes, that most wonderful time of the year! Why I shop online as much as possible.
That is too bad. I’m sure your bright smile (and prayer) helped her to change her outlook and hopefully smile at another grumpy shopper. I have to admit, I do dread any shopping because of all the extra grumpy shoppers. I often times go after 10 or 11pm and shop then, the grumps are usually in bed at that time, and only us happy night owls are out!
PS How was the Italian Cream cake? Just the name sounds wonderful!
Oh, I’m sorry you had to encounter such ugliness – but maybe a bit of your beauty (inner and outer!) seeped into that tough exterior and later she remembered your smile? I’m sure of it!
Very sad. But a tremendous opportunity for you to grow in virtue (and it was not wasted) and a great reminder that we are so blessed to have the joy of Christ and must share it wherever we go.
That Italian Cream cake does sound good. Only one piece of pie left here. Sigh.
(Why oh why do sentence fragments haunt me in every comment box?)
Your a good example in treating people tenderly when they mistreat you. I got it pretty bad this weekend in the craft store. š
Oh, and just so you don’t think you’re alone among grammar geeks…Yes, I do realize that my comment should have said “you’re” and not “your”…little Miss 100%! š (I’m sure there’s another typo somewhere in this comment too, but I refuse to check…it’s after hours!)
Katherine: yes, well, I did notice your little error, but because I am ever so fond of you I was willing to overlook it!
Unfortunately, stores around here seem to be full of those kinds of people all the time, and not just for the holidays. But I refuse to join their ranks! It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to smile. š
I imagine that you were a bright spot in her day, even if it didn’t register on her at the moment.