Danielle has a very interesting discussion going on over at her blog today.
I would love to hear the opinion of some other blogging mothers, especially if you have older daughters. Karen? Cay? Alice? What’s your take on all this?
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Current Affairs, Minnesota Me 4 Comments
Danielle has a very interesting discussion going on over at her blog today.
I would love to hear the opinion of some other blogging mothers, especially if you have older daughters. Karen? Cay? Alice? What’s your take on all this?
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
My daughter is still young, but I try so hard on this because I started worrying when I was five. We never say the word “fat” here. I always talk to her about how my belly is the most beautiful part of my body because it made two babies. For the record, it looks like every other belly that has been through pregnancy! I truly do cherish every stretch mark, though.
We all watched the video and loved it. My children (the oldest daughter and the younger two as well as both boys) were very impressed by the video.
I think my oldest son (age 19) was effected the most. He had me play it back a second time.
I think all girls go through a phase of wanting to be pretty and be a “super star”.
It’s how we handle this that effects them the most.
I think it’s important to stress their own natural beauty and tell them–repeatedly–that God loved them enough to make them just the way they are. He has a plan for them. They have to figure out what he wants them to do with their life…and their life is so much more than looks.
This keeps them grounded.
I posted a link to that video last week, too, but I haven’t had time to get to this topic and give it the attention that is its due, but here’s my quick take.
My daughters were fascinated by the video. We talk often about what “real beauty” means, and we don’t talk about “fat” here, either Jennifer! I, too, am proud of all those stretch marks and tell the girls they are my badges of motherhood.
I told my girls I hoped they would take note of HOW MUCH was done to that model before they even took a picture, and then, even spookier, how much she was “computer-enhanced.”
My girls do play with Barbies (that was a recent discussion on 4Real, though I didn’t have time to jump in) but they also say things like, “If Barbie were a real woman, she would be a freak of nature.” 😀
I think it takes a constant monitering of what they see and how they perceive it. I think of myself as the little voice of reason, hanging over their shoulder with every TV show, every movie, every magazine image. “That’s not real,” is my mantra. It seems to be taking root, but I’m sure my girls will have some of the “normal” struggles in this area. I grew up believing I was quite ugly, and somehow, we never seem to shake those things, do we? I hope my girls won’t have it “to shake” but can grow up believing that their inner beauty IS real beauty.
Margaret – When I go to the website to view this video I can hear the sounds but I can’t see anything. The screen remains black! Do you have any ideas as to why? I would really like to see it!