Stephen, on a mission, hurries into the kitchen and grabs something from the odds & ends drawer: Just need to get her [our toddler] some molasses!
Mom (standing with her back to him at the stove): Molasses??
Stephen (as he runs off down the hallway): You know…a binky!
Hi Margaret!
I always read your comments on Danielle Bean’s website, because, I too, am from MN!! So nice to be so close! We live in St Joseph, would love to meet you someday! I enjoyed looking over your website today, my first time here! You are beautiful. I am in the process of growing my hair out for locks of love, but am just about to give up…then I saw your pictures…I will try to keep going! I hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for posting, I will try to check each day and mark you as a favorite!
God Bless you!
Jamie in Minnesota also!
E-mail me & we can talk about getting together sometime.
Thank you for your nice comments!