16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or insincerity.
These are the words, taken from yesterday’s Mass readings, that spoke to my heart this morning.
There are so many ways in which they are applicable to my life, but since I am shooting these thoughts out into the midst of the blogosphere—such an uncertain destination, that—I am going to focus on just. one. area.
Here it is. Be careful, though; the following is Very Honest.
When it comes to reading other people’s blogs, (of which there are so many wonderful examples), I find that I need to guard my heart from the jealousy and selfish ambition that St. James speaks of. I mean, I really need to guard my heart.
Why is it that, instead of feeling blessed by all the helpful and lovely ideas that are being shared by all these amazing people, (read: other Catholic homeschooling mothers), I find that I struggle with feelings of guilt and insecurity? I’ll give you just one example of many :
Dawn at By Sun and Candlelight mentioned that she’d served her boys these for breakfast. Immediately comes the temptation: Guilt. Why haven’t I made that for my children??
Answer: for heaven’s sake, I’d never even heard of them before!
But thanks to Dawn and to our finding a stray jar of marshmallow cream in the cupboard, we had them for a snack this afternoon. They Are Delicious! And hearing a 3-year-old ask for a “Fluffernutter” is just priceless.
My point is that we have to be very very careful and ever vigilant in guarding our women’s hearts from the dark one. Because he is ever seeking to destroy us, as you well know, and he would be more than happy to use our blogs to do so.
To anyone reading these words, please know that I am richly blessed in you. Thank you thank you thank you for the awesome ways in which you inspire me daily.
As a friend.
As a fellow homeschooler.
And as another woman with a blog.
I had never heard of them before either until I read this some time ago:
They are to be banned in Massachussets!
Awww, we all feel that way when we read Dawn’s blog. 😉
Lovely post.